Choices. They’re what life’s all about.

Some of us have the luxury of making more choices than others. That’s a gift. And we cannot take it for granted.

In many cases, our variety of choices are tied to the opportunities we’ve been afforded. I sometimes marvel at my fortune of being born in a free country; of having parents who prioritized my well-being; of my ability to receive a college education; and of my amazing luck regarding my excellent health and that of the people I love. No doubt this good fortune has allowed me to have a broader set of choices than many others, and I’m grateful for that every day.

Still, all of us here in the United States make internal choices each day—no matter how small. We choose our morals, our values, our tolerance for risk and our decisions to give or take, to tell the truth, to be grateful or entitled, to be kind or tolerant, understanding or short-tempered. As a business, these internal choices are the values that drive our decisions and our behavior. They determine how we interact and view our clients, the quality of our work performed, our desire to compete fiercely and fairly to receive exceptional results; and to foster respect for the interaction and communication between our teammates. When there’s a choice that must be made in any facet of our business, these values provide a clear path to follow at every turn. We choose to ensure these values do not allow compromise and we apply them to our work ethic and our desire to prove to our clients, and to each other, that we deserve their partnership, trust and alliance.

No one is perfect, and since companies are run by people, we know that sometimes we will make mistakes. The important thing is that we are always trying to do the right thing for the right reasons. We are coming from that place in our business and in our hearts. That’s our promise to you and it’s the cornerstone of all of our company values.

As our clients entrust us with your internal employee communications and external marketing to customers and other stakeholders, we are quick to brainstorm ideas that will exemplify your steadfast company cultures and values. Whether it’s internal collaboration, communication, innovation and attention to quality and speed, value propositions or a philosophy of always striving to be better together, we are promoting YOUR company values…always.

People comprise companies, and our focus—whether internally or externally—is to develop communications that resonate with people in every client demographic. It’s all about determining and communicating important elements that influence peoples’ choices—and give them a sense of belonging because of those choices—that illustrate a perfect match between a company and all its stakeholders. We firmly believe that a company’s internal values are what shape their external messaging. And since all of us at DDCC understand the importance of communicating those values, we know how to make the right choices for all of your internal and external initiatives.